Jan Boček

Jan Boček is a data journalist and an open data advocate. He is one of the founders of a new company specializing in data journalism, Sami z Dat, whose biggest client is Czech Radio. Until June 2014 he worked as a data journalist at Hospodářské noviny. Before joining the HN newsroom early in 2012, he worked as a freelance technology reporter and as an editor at the monthlies Computer (2011-2013) and Extra PC (2007-2009).
He studied journalism, political science, and computer science at Masaryk University in Brno. He also teaches data visualization at Masaryk University and has co- published books on open data in the Czech public administration. He is interested particularly in education, health, social topics and was awarded a journalism award in 2015 for his article “Russians against Russians: Country in Undeclared Civil War.”.