Educational Affiliations of Past Participants

Balkh University
Boston University
Carleton University
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Colorado State University
California Polytechnic State University
Danish School of Media and Journalism
Diablo Valley College
ETH Zurich
George Washington University
Hong Kong Baptist University
Howard University
Marist College
Middle Tennessee State University
Mount Royal University
Northeastern University
Queen’s University
Regis University
Roskilde University
Ryerson University
Seton Hall University
Shanghai International Studies University
University of California
University of California-Santa Barbara
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
University of Canberra
University Central of Lancashire
University of Denver
University of Georgia
University of King’s College
University of Portsmouth
University of Reading
University of Richmond
University of South Australia
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Temple University
Technical College
The London School of Journalism
The University of Tennessee
Vassar College
Virginia Commonwealth University
