E-learning courses
Transitions operates a distance learning platform, elearningforchange, to provide media professionals and civil society activists with on-demand learning resources and live courses. Maintained by TechChange, a Washington D.C.-based social enterprise, the multilingual platform helps users to gain or solidify knowledge and skills on a wide range of subjects, from core journalism skills, such as interviewing techniques, to more specialist ones, such as video storytelling or recording good audio; from utilization of social media in civil society communication to data visualization and online security.
The creation of the platform and its initial resources came as part of Transitions' Connecting the Dots project, which received financial support from The United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF); the Visegrad Fund; and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The project is implemented in cooperation with three implementing partners in the target countries: TechChange (U.S.); the Independent Journalism Center (Moldova); Civitas Georgica (Georgia); and the Caucasus Media Investigations Center (Azerbaijan) and six resource partners in the Visegrad group of countries in order to identify existing online resources: DEMAS (Czech Republic); People in Need (Czech Republic); East European Democratic Center (Poland); People in Peril Association (Slovakia); ICDT (Hungary); and the Policy Association for an Open Society (PASOS) (regional).